Egyptian Locust (Anacridium aegyptium)

I’m currently over in France. and came across this enormous grasshopper in the yard, hiding out on some old fence materials. Female Egyptian Locusts can grow up to 7cm in length and apart from their size can be recognised by their odd striped eyes. They can be found year-round here, over-wintering as adults; but they do occasionally turn up in UK either as accidental escapes or potentially wind-blown vagrants.

Cote d'Azur Bugs

I’m currently on holiday in France, so here are some garden insects from the Var. I brought my moth trap, but failed to catch anything more than a handful of micros. The largest insect that was attracted to the light was a largish lacewing fly, Chrysope italienne. Meanwhile a local jumping spider, Menemerus semilimbatus, was eating one of the few mall moths that came. Ameles spallanzani is a small species of praying mantis. All of the above are largely Mediterranean species.